Displacement in the CongoBebiche is one of hundreds of internally displaced persons forced to flee warfare in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. There is no way to return home to the provinces of North and South Kivu and Orientale (Ituri). War and insecurity continue to destabilize the region. Countless women and girls in DRC have been brutalized by unprecedented sexual violence, and they have no options for existence but to pursue survival sex, but the subject of rape and war in Congo remains almost totally off the agenda for the American mass media. keith is working to raise the public consciousness about what is happening in Central Africa, and to try to alleviate the suffering, and to identify and manifest concrete actions to help Bebiche and so many thousands of people like her. Please read the Africa reports on this site.
above: On the set of the Washington Opera Company with Placido Domingo, Erwin Schrott, Robert Pomakov and choreographer Sara Erde for the spring 2003 production of Don Giovanni. Please explore this site, enjoy the hard work, and learn how you can get involved to help mitigate suffering and build a better world. Discover the myriad ways that you might engage in an apprenticeship with keith, build and experience a custom designed international adventure program of integrity, education and service, or participate in an exploratory expedition that would change your life forever. The war by western petroleum corporations against the Ogoni tribe and other indigenous people of the Niger River Delta continues unabated in southern Nigeria. Read about the murder of Ogoni leader Ken Saro Wiwa and the repression against the indigenous minorities of the Niger River Delta. Also see keith's biographical sketch titled Ken Saro-Wiwa (1941-1995), Ogoni, and the Pacification of the Tribes of the Lower Niger, published in 2005 in the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION AND NATURE.